As usual, when friends recommend certain movies/series to watch, i tend not really be bothered to know like i really never understood how good something on the screen can be, or how ppl keep chasing for each episode release...hehe just not that type. Or maybe i will start an episode, like i did with Sex and The City years back, and decided..nah...what's so great? So, pretty much the same story when HF and PS recommended Prison Break to us, a couple of months back. We got the copies (hehe) from them, and stored it safely in our hard-disk. Did we listen and start watching? Nah...we told them, hey we have other things to watch...let us finish those, then we'll watch 'your' Prison Break ;)
And so, last Saturday, we got up in the morning, raining and all, and decided without much to do, we'll watch an episode of PB. And i guess one lead to the next, full of suspense and we ended up watching 8 episodes in a row, before giving in for Lunch!! I've always enjoyed movies like Escape fr Alcatraz and Shawshank Redemption, so PB was GREAT. Loved the plot in Season 1, and PS was right, Michael Scoffield is kinda 'not bad' looking...hehe... I won't go on about PB in detail, but don't start if you don't plan to sit in to finish!! We're almost done with Season 2 now(it's been 5 consecutive days), but sigh....Season 3 will have to wait until Feb2008 for full release...URGHH!!!