Friday, April 6, 2007

The Exterminator!!

Spring has definitely sprung...and so has all the insects which have been hibernating all thru winter....Eeewww....the spiders, the ants, the bees, we even found a dead tiny rat!! they're out from nesting and intruding into our lives appearing in every corner and cracks!! We alerted the apartment maintenance and they promised to send the EXTERMINATORS' which i tot was a mighty word for those tiny creatures...but none the less Thank God for those 'combat' poison...hehe..These silly ants think they're FREE food and feast on them, after which they will bring it back to the nest, and RIP...And of course the life of ants, the other ants in the nest will eat those dead ants...and the flow continues until each of them RIP...kekekeh...I know this sounds mean...i recall reading about the Red Fire Ants in Penang Kek Lok Si recently where the monks had so much trouble with them, but yet could not exterminate them because it was sort of 'killing life' some volunteers has to quietly go into the temple to kill it for them......

Anyway...i really hope our 'pest' problems are in control at least for now...i hate those black ants!!


wye luon said...

I bet you were turning the HD upside down to find the "rat in a box" picture =P I thought its disgusting and deleted the picture permanently! Hahaha *evil grin*

Jazlie said...

I was expecting some disgusting N bloody pics ... where is the rat pic?

Unknown said...

previously my house also has a lot of black ants and adeline and i keep "killing" them .. hehe. now, thanks God, no more already. hopefully we already killed all of them and they are not coming back.